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Why is it important to quickly detect early glaucoma symptoms?

There are countless causes that threaten our eye health. In particular, you should be careful because using a smartphone or computer in dark places can lead to glaucoma. The reason why early detection of early glaucoma symptoms is important is that poor eyesight can lead to inability to recover. Sometimes it’s confusing with other problems, so it’s better to know what kind of problems appear and what are the main symptoms.

1. What is glaucoma?There are organs in the eye that play an important role in seeing, but the main organs are the cornea, lens, and retina. Light coming in from the outside passes through the cornea and can be refracted by the lens to tie an accurate image to the retina. Glaucoma is a condition that damages the optic nerve in the retina and causes various symptoms. The optic nerve of the retina acts like an electric wire and transmits visual information to the brain. Therefore, it is very important to see, but if this area is damaged, the viewing angle will gradually narrow, and if you do not take special measures, it will lead to blindness.2. Causes of glaucomaThe causes of glaucoma are too diverse and extensive. It is often done especially for health reasons. It may be caused by high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease, and it was also a common problem for people with high myopia. In addition, it is important to check the progress through regular tests if you have glaucoma patients in your family because it has a significant genetic impact.Another possible cause of damage to the optic nerve is high intraocular pressure. In the case of normal intraocular pressure, it is about 10-21 mmHg, and if it rises further from here, it compresses the optic nerve and causes damage. However, since it may proceed at normal intraocular pressure, it is important to prepare in advance considering the cause of the investigation rather than just considering the intraocular pressure. 3. Early glaucoma symptomsGlaucoma is largely divided into two main categories: acute and chronic, and in the case of acute, it refers to a sudden progression, which does not simply affect vision, but often accompanies eye pain or headache, nausea, dizziness, and congestion. In the case of chronic conditions, it only feels simple vision loss in the beginning, and from some point on, the peripheral viewing angle narrows and often collides here and there. The initial symptom of glaucoma is simple vision loss, so it can be left unattended for a long time, so it is wise to conduct a regular examination if you show any findings.The initial symptoms of glaucoma are not a problem that can be solved just by neglecting them, so it is very important to get an accurate diagnosis through ophthalmology and recover with a treatment method that suits your condition. The problem can be solved largely through medicine, laser, and surgical treatment. As mentioned above, glaucoma can worsen into an unrecoverable condition if left unattended for a long time, so be careful, and our hospital is even able to treat glaucoma, and we are finding the right solution for each patient through a detailed examination. : )The initial symptoms of glaucoma are not a problem that can be solved just by neglecting them, so it is very important to get an accurate diagnosis through ophthalmology and recover with a treatment method that suits your condition. The problem can be solved largely through medicine, laser, and surgical treatment. As mentioned above, glaucoma can worsen into an unrecoverable condition if left unattended for a long time, so be careful, and our hospital is even able to treat glaucoma, and we are finding the right solution for each patient through a detailed examination. : )Previous image Next imagePrevious image Next imagePrevious image Next imagePrevious image Next imagehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZBbvPhJRDQ&pp=ygU664W564K07J6l7LSI6riw7Kad7IOBIOu5oOuluCDrsJzqsqzsnbQg7KSR7JqU7ZWcIOydtOycoOuKlA%3D%3D

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