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Moving on to the third, it is called conditional automation, so self-driving is possible in well-known or easy sections.Looking at this, it can be said that there is still a lot of homework in the era of autonomous driving. In the future, everyone will get in the vehicle without getting off. So, before commercialization, technology and our system should be able to grow together.Statistics show that people are anxious about these things. One year, the survey shows that it’s ranked second after the first system failure.It’s getting closer. I’m still working on it, and I’m making some progress.Currently, it is said that the driver is responsible for stages 1 and 2. Until now, it’s just a level of assistance, so they drive the car themselves.If you move on, some systems start recognizing, so you can go on your own, even if it’s small.But moving on, it’s hard to say it’s anyone’s fault. Maybe it’s because the AI is broken, or maybe the rider handled the car inexperienced.The biggest of them is the accident situation. Who will be responsible at this time. AI can go wrong or it can happen by the driver, but it’s hard to do it exactly.Of course, it can be convenient. It can be safe and it can be convenient because it’s less caring, but you have to know that there can be some things that are not so good.When we get to the last stage, this is when we can automatically drive as we know it. We can read all the roads and the car goes out even if I don’t touch it.Self-driving cars literally mean correcting the road to predict congestion or accidents by looking at the road environment in which the car is driving and driving.In the fourth, advanced automation allows you to operate in more places than before, and you are aware of congestion or accidents.It’s divided into four stages. The first step is to support the system so that it’s easy for the driver to get there. Until then, it’s not automatic yet.There’s a scene like that in the movie. The driver is letting go of his hand, and the car moves on its own, even though no one said anything. When we see this, we think, “When will the era of self-driving come?”

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