
こんにちは、皆さん?今日はarmと語源が同じ単語をご紹介いたします。^^<青:ラテン語語語源/(プ):フランス語/赤:英単語><青:ラテン語語語源/(プ):フランス語/赤:英単語>語源はラテン語のarma(アルマ)armaの核心、意味は「武器」です。 1) 武器、防御手段2)戦争(「武器」を持って戦う =>「戦争」)3)軍隊(「武器」を持った人々 =>「軍隊」)4)文章(「軍隊」を象徴した表紙 =>「文章」)(※文章(紋章):国や団体を象徴する絵や文字)1. 군대라틴 아르마 ‘army’에서 나오는 영어 단어는 군대입니다. 14세기에 군대는 멀리서 싸우는 ‘육군 탐험’을 의미했지만, 지금은 ‘군’을 의미합니다.(출처 : ① army ex. they can raise an army of 20,000 men. ② (the army) ex. I joined the army when I was 21. ③ (the army’s meaning expands to a ‘group’ => a ‘group’ of people) ex. The concert hall is maintained by an army of volunteers.2. cross one’s armsIn the Latin word arma ‘weapon, army,’ not only army was born, but also arm. The English word arm also means “weapon, army.” arm ① arm = armed, arm (Latin arma ‘weapon’ => English arm ‘arm.’) ex. They armed themselves with pistols. ② armed themselves with pistols. ex armed with (knowledge, skill, and equipment). ※ They armed people with accumulate knowledge. They armed people with accurate knowledge. ③ (The Latin word arma ‘army’ => The division of the military => expands its meaning to the ‘division’ of a general organization.) ex. Riley Korea is the Korean marketing arm of a U.S. company.arm : arm (source: )참고로 ‘팔, 소매’는 게르만 팔에서 유래한 단어입니다. 앞에서 설명한 팔 ‘팔’과 철자는 같지만 어원이 다릅니다. ^^ ex. 그녀는 오른쪽 팔에 문신을 했습니다.3. 3. 팔라틴어로 유래된 영어 단어 팔은 “우리는 암’을 위한’를 가지고 있다.그것은 또한 “우리는”이라고 말한다.팔 = 영어 팔 > 영어 팔’를 나타냅니다.정부는 올해 무기 지출을 삭감했다. ② 문장(章 a or, ar)ma)ization ‘ organ arms ( a ex> royal sentence’ ( symbol ofizing):=sentence country)arms : (왼쪽) weapon / (오른쪽) sentence (출처 : )4. 갑옷(=armour)라틴어에서 파생된 갑옷은 상대방의 갑옷(LMA 방어) = 갑옷(LMA 방어) > 갑옷(LMA 방어) armor 갑옷) = 갑옷이다.갑옷 = 철옷 > 철복을 입고 있었다.미사일은 군함의 갑옷을 쌍으로 묶었다.미사일은 군함의 철을 관통했다.갑옷 : 갑옷 (출처 : )5. sound the alarmThe French word arme, which comes from the Latin word arma, also means army. The French word alarm, which was created by combining the suffix ̀, is a warning signal, a warning signal. ̀ + arme ⇒ ̀ l’arme ‘warning signal’ in French when an ⇒ invades따라서 영어 단어 알람은 ‘경고 신호’라는 뜻이기도 합니다.(출처 :① Warning signal, alarm sound ex. He sounded the alarm and called the police. ② (alarm clock) Alarm clock, alarm alarm clock ex. He set the alarm for 6 o’clock. = Anxiety and fear (expanding meaning to ‘alarm’ => ‘anxiety and fear’) ex. There is growing anxiety about the increase in crime. ④ Make me nervous, scared. I don’t want to alarm her unnecessarily.ARM, ARMY to ALARM! Words with similar spelling often have the same etymology. By combining words with more numbers into one etymology, you can reduce the burden of studying. ^^ If this is helpful, please like, comment, and request a neighborhood name. Thank you.

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