hydrangea wrist tunnel syndrome Acupuncture oriental medicine to distinguish numbness symptoms from neck disc herniation

hydrangea wrist tunnel syndrome Acupuncture oriental medicine to distinguish numbness symptoms from neck disc herniation

Even office workers who have been sitting in front of computers for a long time, housewives who are busy without time to look back, or chefs who use various cooking utensils are using their wrists too much.Let’s learn with oriental medicine doctors who know the importance of treating wrist tunnel syndrome, which is the most common neurological disease in the arm and can be difficult to treat if left unattended for a long time.

median nerve and wrist tunnel

The wrist is the muscles of muscles and nerves, but wrist bone of the narrow tunnel, but the shape of the narrow tunnel that represents a narrow tunnel that represents the shape of the narrow tunnel.This pipe structure is good, and the muscle of the core tendon, which is connected to the inner side of the core tendon, and core bending muscle tendon, and core tendon.Other than the wrist tunnel, there are a polite nerve that is also a polite nerve to adjust the feeling and exercise.In this positive nerve, the movement of the fingers, and the movement of the thumb.

What is wrist tunnel syndrome

The official name of wrist tunnel syndrome is carpal tunnel syndrome, which thickens wrist ligaments and tendons and narrows wrist tunnels due to thickening of lateral muscle ligaments.When a disease occurs, symptoms of sourness or numbness in the palm of your hand are felt at first, and you can’t sleep because of tingling pain in your hand.The more you leave it unattended, the more burning your hands may feel, or paralysis may occur with weak grip and limited wrist movement.

What is the cause?

The main cause is two reasons for reducing the thickness of the upper hand muscle ligament in the wrist tunnel and wrist tunnel space on the wrist tunnel.The use of repeated wrist is also thickening of the ligament, and diabetes may be thickened by metabolism change, including diabetes, diabetes, diabetes, diabetes, diabetes, diabetes.It is easier to occur by stimulation and stimulation, and the root tube is likely to appear in the swelling of the tendon and the skin.Physical Inspection – Performance – Performance

The FRENT test (Photo Test) is a short test method for inspection.◈ “Faster Test) and then, after putting his hands on his chest, and then perform the wrist to 90 degrees.After the operation is finished, I think that there is a positive feeling of numbness or dull sensation, so I will be examined accurately.wrist tunnel syndrome treatmentThe treatment of this disease is to help nerve regeneration by tracking and resolving the pathways through which nerves are compressed.If left unattended, muscle loss may occur due to nerve dysfunction due to median nerve compression, and in severe cases, wrist inflammation or damaged nerves are treatedSelf-deprecation of the lateral wrist ligament in the area where the median nerve passes helps to communicate meridians, relieves edema and inflammation, and reduces ligament pressure to promote blood circulation around carpal ducts and wrists.In particular, if numbness becomes severe, self-deprecate in the old palace to treat symptoms.Medical acupunctureAcupuncture is a safe solution made by extracting effective ingredients from herbal medicine that is effective in improving wrist tunnel syndrome. It is an effective treatment with few side effects, including acupuncture, which is suitable for your symptomsMoxibustion therapy, which relaxes tense muscles and increases resistance in the human body due to decreased immune function, has immune, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effectsThis disease is a disease that causes sensory abnormalities and numbness, and it belongs to nasal diseases caused by clogging with air and blood. It is treated by checking the symptoms of the disease, identifying them as fertilizer, wind manure, etc.Oriental medicine is doing its best for oriental medical treatment.Please visit a nearby oriental medicine clinic to treat wrist tunnel syndrome as soon as possible.The text you see included medical promotion, was produced with information from oriental medicine, and was produced according to Article 56(1) of the Medical Act and the Enforcement Decree of the same Act.All procedures vary depending on the individual’s constitution and may cause large and small side effects, so please consult with your oriental medicine doctor in advance to decide whether to treat them carefully.#Jiyang-dong Oriental Medicine Clinic # hydrangea wrist pain #purple sinus carpal tunnel syndromePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image

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